35 Contemporary Tote Bag Knitting Patterns With A Fusion Of Style And Craftsmanship

Welcome to my whimsical knitting world, where the clash of needles isn’t just a hobby; it’s a high art of style and craftsmanship! I’m your guide, an expert in the crochet cosmos, and today, I’ve got a delightful treat for tote bag enthusiasts and crafty souls alike.

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tote bag knitting patterns

Have you ever faced the problem of finding a perfect tote that’s practical and a fashion statement? I’ve been there too! The action? It’s simple – knit your own! And I’ve curated 35 contemporary tote bag knitting patterns that are a fusion of style and craftsmanship to solve this.

These patterns are not just a great way to express your creativity; they’re the best way to ensure your tote is uniquely yours. From beginner-friendly designs to intricate masterpieces, each pattern offers one of the easiest paths to creating a sought-after accessory perfect for any occasion.

Whether you’re after functionality, fashion, or a bit of both, these top picks are your best bet. Remember, the universal rule is that the best thing you can do for your style is to add a personal touch. So, needles at the ready – let’s stitch our way to tote-tastic triumph!

Versatility Of Knitted Tote Bag

Knitted tote bags are a marvel of versatility, embodying practicality and style in every stitch. Here are some key aspects that highlight their multifaceted nature:

  • Customizable Designs: Knitting your tote means you can tailor every aspect, from size and shape to color and texture. This personalization ensures your tote bag is as unique as your fingerprint and reflects your style.
  • Diverse Functionality: Whether it’s a trip to the market, a day at the beach, or a chic addition to your office attire, knitted totes adapt seamlessly to your needs. Their sturdy construction can handle everything from groceries to laptops, making them ideal for everyday use.
  • Seasonal Adaptability: A knitted tote can transition through seasons with the right yarn choice. Light, breezy patterns for summer or thicker, cozier yarns for winter – these bags can be your year-round companions.
  • Eco-Friendly Choice: In an era where sustainable choices are more critical than ever, knitted totes offer an eco-friendly alternative to disposable bags. Using sustainable yarns increases this benefit, positively impacting the environment.
  • Therapeutic Crafting: Knitting itself is a therapeutic and rewarding experience. Creating a tote bag offers a sense of accomplishment and the joy of crafting something beautiful and practical.
  • Endless Learning Opportunities: For those new to knitting or looking to advance their skills, creating a tote bag presents opportunities to learn new stitches, techniques, and patterns, enhancing your knitting repertoire.
  • Gift Of Love: A knitted tote bag makes for a heartfelt, personalized gift. It’s a thoughtful way to show care and appreciation, offering something beautiful and valuable.

Various Stitches To Knit Tote Bags

Knitting a tote bag allows for a beautiful exploration of various stitches, each bringing texture and strength to the final product. Here are some popular stitches that are great for knitting tote bags, along with a brief explanation of each:

  • Stockinette Stitch: This is one of the most basic and widely used stitches in knitting. It creates a smooth, classic texture with a ‘V’ pattern on the right side and a bumpy texture on the wrong side. It’s great for simple, sleek tote designs but can curl at the edges, so it’s often paired with border stitches.
  • Garter Stitch: Made by knitting every row (in flat knitting), the garter stitch is stretchy and robust, perfect for a sturdy tote. It produces a ridged fabric that lies flat and is reversible, making it ideal for bags that see a lot of use.
  • Seed Stitch: This stitch is created by alternating knit and purl stitches within and across rows. It results in a textured, bumpy fabric that is thick and durable, excellent for a tote bag that needs to hold its shape.
  • Moss Stitch: Similar to the seed stitch but with a slightly different pattern, the moss stitch creates a raised, checkerboard-like texture. It’s great for adding visual interest to your tote bag and is robust enough for everyday use.
  • Cable Stitch: The cable stitch can add a sophisticated look to tote bags. While it’s more complex than basic stitches, it’s perfect for creating an eye-catching and stylish tote.
  • Basketweave Stitch: This stitch mimics the weave of a basket, as the name suggests. It combines knit and purl stitches to create a textured pattern that resembles a woven basket. It’s an excellent tote bag choice, offering visual appeal and durability.
  • Slip Stitch: Slip stitch knitting involves passing some stitches from the left needle to the right needle without working them. It can create interesting textures and color patterns, ideal for a tote bag with a unique look.
  • Rib Stitch: The rib stitch is formed by alternating knit and purl stitches within the same row. This stitch is stretchy and creates a fabric that conforms well, making it suitable for the top of the tote bag, where some elasticity can be beneficial.

Common Abbreviations For Knitting

You’ll find various standard abbreviations in knitting patterns, especially for projects like tote bags. These abbreviations help to simplify and condense instructions. Here are some of the most frequently used ones:

  • CO: Cast On – The method to begin your knitting project by creating the initial stitches on the needle.
  • BO: Bind Off (or Cast Off) – To finish your knitting project by securing the final stitches so they don’t unravel.
  • K: Knit – The most basic knitting stitch.
  • P: Purl – Another basic stitch, often used with knit stitches for various textures.
  • St(s): Stitch(es) – The fundamental unit of knitting.
  • K2tog: Knit Two Together – A decrease stitch where two stitches are knitted together.
  • P2tog: Purl Two Together – Similar to K2tog, but with purl stitches.
  • YO: Yarn Over – An increase method that also creates a hole for decorative purposes.
  • SSK: Slip, Slip, Knit – Decreasing stitches, creating a left-leaning decrease.
  • Sl1: Slip One – Slipping a stitch from one needle to another without working it.
  • PSso: Pass Slipped Stitch Over – Often used with a decrease, a slipped stitch is passed over a knit stitch and off the needle.
  • RS/WS: Right Side/Wrong Side – Refers to the two sides of the knitted fabric; the right side is usually the outer side of the garment or project.
  • Rep: Repeat – Indicates that a series of stitches or a pattern sequence should be repeated.
  • M1: Make One – An increase technique that creates a new stitch.
  • PM: Place Marker – Mark a specific place in your knitting.
  • SM: Slip Marker – Slipping the marker from one needle to another.
  • Rnd(s): Round(s) – Used in circular knitting.
  • Tbl: Through Back Loop – Knitting or purling a stitch through its back loop, which twists the stitch.

Essential Tools & Materials

Knitting a tote bag requires essential tools and materials to ensure a smooth and successful project. Here’s a list of what you’ll typically need:

  • Yarn: The choice of yarn is crucial as it determines the texture, strength, and appearance of the tote bag. Consider using cotton, wool, or acrylic yarn for durability and sturdiness. The thickness of the yarn (lightweight, medium, or bulky) will also affect the final product.
  • Knitting Needles: The needles’ size should match your yarn’s weight. More potent, larger needles (such as US size 7-10) are often used for tote bags. Depending on the pattern, you might need straight, circular, or double-pointed needles.
  • Stitch Markers: These help mark specific points in your pattern, such as the beginning of a round or where to increase or decrease.
  • Tapestry Needle: A blunt needle for weaving in ends of yarn when you’ve finished knitting.
  • Scissors: For cutting yarn when needed.
  • Measuring Tape: To measure your work and ensure that dimensions are accurate per the pattern.
  • Stitch Holders or Waste Yarn: To hold stitches when not being worked on, especially if your tote bag has different components to be assembled later.
  • Pattern: A knitting pattern for your tote bag, which will guide you on the stitches, techniques, and overall process.
  • Blocking Tools: Blocking mats and pins for shaping and setting your finished tote bag to the desired dimensions.
  • Row Counter: This can be handy to track where you are in the pattern, especially for more complex designs.
  • Knitting Gauge Checker: Ensure your stitches per inch/cm match the patterns required for sizing accuracy.
  • Bag Handles or Straps: Depending on your design, you may need pre-made handles or materials to knit or crochet your own.
  • Lining Fabric (Optional): If you plan to line your tote bag for extra strength and durability.
  • Sewing Needle and Thread (Optional): Attach the lining and handles.
  • Embellishments (Optional): For decorative purposes, buttons, beads, or embroidery materials.

Which Yarn Is Best To Knit A Tote Bag?

When knitting tote bags, the choice of yarn is essential. Over the years, I’ve experimented with various yarns and have found that the best choice depends on the bag’s intended use, durability, and style. Let me share my insights on different yarn types for knitting tote bags:

  • Cotton Yarn: This is my go-to for most tote bags. Cotton is strong, durable, and washable, making it ideal for bags that will be used frequently and might need regular cleaning. It doesn’t stretch much, which is excellent for keeping the bag’s shape. I often use mercerized cotton for a shinier, more luxurious finish.
  • Wool Yarn: If I’m aiming for a tote bag that’s more sturdy and can withstand heavier items, I opt for wool. Wool is resilient, and its natural elasticity helps the bag maintain its shape. However, wool bags might not be the best for very humid climates as they can feel heavier and require more care in washing.
  • Acrylic Yarn: For a budget-friendly option, I sometimes use acrylic yarn. It’s lightweight, in various colors, and is easy to care for. However, it’s not as durable as cotton or wool and might not be the best for heavy items.
  • Blended Yarns: Often, I find that a blend of fibers like cotton-acrylic or wool-acrylic gives a good balance of durability, weight, and cost. These yarns can offer the best of both worlds – the strength of natural fibers with the easy care and lightness of synthetics.
  • Jute and Hemp Yarns: Jute and hemp are fantastic for a more rustic look and feel. They’re incredibly strong and lend a unique, earthy aesthetic to the tote bag. These materials are also eco-friendly, which is a big plus.
  • Chunky Yarns: When I want to create a tote bag quickly or add a textural element, I choose chunky yarns. They knit up fast and make a bold statement. Just keep in mind that they can add weight to the bag.
  • Recycled Yarns: As an environmentally conscious choice, I sometimes use yarns made from recycled materials. These can vary in texture and strength, but they’re a great way to knit sustainably.

How Much Yarn Do I Need To Knit Tote Bag?

As an experienced knitter, I’ve learned that the yarn needed for a tote bag can vary significantly based on several factors. Typically, I start with about 400-600 yards of medium-weight yarn for a standard-sized tote bag.

If I use a lighter yarn, like a cotton or acrylic DK weight, I might need more, about 700-900 yards, to achieve the right thickness and durability.

I’d use less than 300-500 yards for chunkier yarns. The bag’s size and the pattern’s complexity also play a crucial role. A larger bag with intricate patterns or cables will require more yarn.

It’s always a good idea to buy a bit extra yarn than the pattern suggests, just in case. This approach has saved me from running out of yarn mid-project more times than I can count!

Understand Knitting Stitches And Techniques

Understanding knitting stitches and techniques is like learning a new language that speaks through loops and needles. I start by familiarizing myself with basic stitch terms like knit (k) and purl (p). Then, I practice these stitches repeatedly until they feel natural. I also keep a reference guide handy for more complex stitches and techniques.

Watching tutorials helps me visualize the process. It’s essential to be patient and not get discouraged by mistakes; they’re part of the learning journey. Gradually, I experimented with combining different stitches to create textures and patterns, turning each knitting project into an opportunity to expand my skills.

RELATED: 35 Knit Your Way To Warmth Exploring Chunky Cardigan Patterns

Basic Knitting Techniques For Tote Bags

Knitting a tote bag, especially for beginners, involves mastering basic techniques that form the foundation of most knitting projects. Here’s a list of essential knitting techniques you’ll likely use when creating a tote bag:

  • Casting On: This is the first step in any knitting project. It involves creating the initial stitches on the needle. Several methods, like the long-tail cast-on or the knit cast-on, give a different edge finish.
  • Knit Stitch (K): This is the most basic knitting stitch and forms the foundation of all knitting. It’s essential for creating the fabric of the tote bag.
  • Purl Stitch (P): The purl stitch is the inverse of the knit stitch and is combined with knit stitches to create different textures and patterns, like stockinette or garter stitch.
  • Binding Off (Casting Off): This technique is used to securely finish your project, removing the stitches from the needle and preventing them from unraveling.
  • Increasing and Decreasing: These techniques are used to shape the tote bag by adding stitches (increasing) or reducing them (decreasing). Methods include knitting two together (k2tog) for decreasing and yarn over (yo) for increasing.
  • Working in the Round (Optional): If you’re making a seamless bag, you’ll need to know how to knit in the round using circular or double-pointed needles.
  • Ribbing: Often used for the top of the bag or handles, ribbing involves alternating knit and purl stitches to create an elastic, ribbed pattern.
  • Slip Stitch: This technique involves moving a stitch from the left needle to the right without knitting it. It’s often used for colorwork or to add texture.
  • Weaving in Ends: Once your knitting is complete, you’ll need to weave in the loose ends of yarn with a tapestry needle for a neat finish.
  • Blocking: This is the process of wetting or steaming your finished tote bag, shaping it to the desired dimensions, and letting it dry. Blocking gives your project a professional, finished appearance.

Is It Beginner Friendly?

From my experience, knitting a tote bag can be beginner-friendly. It’s an excellent project for those new to knitting because it often involves simple shapes and basic stitches like knit and purl. Many tote bag patterns don’t require complex shaping or intricate techniques, making them accessible for beginners.

Plus, it’s a practical project; you end up with a functional item that’s a testament to your skills. As a beginner, starting with a straightforward tote bag pattern helped me improve my basic knitting skills while giving me a sense of accomplishment. So, I’d say knitting a tote bag is a friendly and rewarding project for beginners.

How do you cast on a knit tote bag, and how many stitches?

Casting on is the first step in knitting a tote bag, and the number of stitches you’ll need to cast on depends on the size of the bag you want to make and the weight of your yarn.

Generally, if I’m using medium-weight yarn and aiming for a standard-sized tote, I usually cast on between 40 and 60 stitches. I can vary based on the specific pattern and the stitch gauge (the number of stitches per inch).

Here’s An Essential Guide To Casting On For A Tote Bag

Choose Your Method: There are several casting-on methods, but as a beginner, I like the long-tail cast-on because it’s versatile and creates a sturdy yet stretchy edge, which is ideal for a tote bag.

Estimate The Length Of The Tail: For the long-tail cast-on, you’ll need to estimate the length of the yarn tail. A good rule of thumb is to allow about 1 inch of yarn for each stitch you plan to cast on, plus a little extra for security. So, for 50 stitches, I’d leave a tail of about 55 inches.

Create A Slip Knot: Place a slip knot on one of your knitting needles. It counts as your first cast-on stitch.

Cast On Hold

  • the needle with the slip knot in your right hand.
  • With your left hand, hold the two strands of yarn (the tail and the working yarn from the ball) like a slingshot.
  • Use your right-hand needle to pick up the yarn and loop it onto the needle, creating new stitches.
  • Continue until you have the desired number of stitches.

Check Your Count: Once cast on, count your stitches to ensure you have the correct number per your pattern or size requirement.

Start Knitting: After casting on, you can start knitting according to your pattern, typically beginning with a knit or purl row.

RELATED: 25 Knitting Cast-On Methods Dive Into The World Of Crafting

How To Knit A Beginner-Friendly Tote Bag? – Step By Step Instructions

Difficulty Level



Step-By-Step Instructions

Casting On: Begin by casting on the number of stitches your pattern requires. For a medium-sized tote, this might be around 40-60 stitches. Use a method like the long-tail cast-on for a sturdy yet stretchy base.

Knit The Body

  • Start by knitting the first few rows in a garter stitch (knitting every row) to create a stable base.
  • Continue with the stitch pattern as per your chosen design. For beginners, sticking to knit and purl stitches is advisable.
  • Keep knitting until you reach the desired height of your tote bag, usually about 12-15 inches.

Create The Top Edge: You may want to switch to a garter or rib stitch (alternating knit and purl stitches) for the last few inches to create a neat top edge.

Binding Off: Once you’ve reached the desired size, bind off all stitches loosely but securely to ensure the top edge is not too tight.

Making Handles

  • You can knit the handles separately by casting on smaller stitches (8-12) and knitting a long strip in a garter or rib stitch.
  • Once you’ve reached the desired length, bind off.
  • Sew the handles securely onto the bag using a tapestry needle and the same yarn.

Finishing Touches

  • Weave in all loose ends with your tapestry needle.
  • Block your tote bag, if necessary, to give it an excellent shape and finish.

Customization (Optional): Feel free to add personal touches like decorative buttons or embroidered designs.

35 Stylish Techniques And Designs

This section will explore various stylish techniques and designs in stylish tote bag knitting patterns. These techniques will enhance your knitting skills and add a touch of sophistication to your handmade creations. Let’s delve into these trendy designs!

1. Coastal Striped Bag Knitting Pattern

Transport yourself to the seaside with the Coastal Striped Bag Knitting Pattern. This nautical-inspired tote features vibrant stripes reminiscent of ocean waves, making it a perfect accessory for beach outings or coastal strolls.

Coastal Striped Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

Go to Pattern

2. Entrelac Knitted Bag

Showcase your knitting skills with the Entrelac Knitted Bag. This unique pattern creates a visually stunning bag using the Entrelac technique, resulting in a textured and eye-catching accessory that adds a touch of artistry to your ensemble.

Entrelac Knitted Bag

Suggested Yarn: Noro Kureyon

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

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3. Summertime Tote Bag

Embrace the spirit of summer with the Summertime Tote Bag. This cheerful and spacious tote is designed for sunny days, featuring a bright and vibrant pattern that adds color to your summer adventures.

Summertime Tote Bag

Suggested Yarn: Cascade Ultra Pima Cotton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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4. Woven Cable Bag

Elevate your style with the Woven Cable Bag. This sophisticated tote showcases intricate cable patterns, giving it a woven appearance. Perfect for those who appreciate classic textures and a timeless aesthetic.

Woven Cable Bag

Suggested Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

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5. Mini Cable Tote Bag Knit

Compact yet stylish, the Mini Cable Tote Bag Knit pattern offers a charming solution for on-the-go storage. The miniature cables add a touch of elegance to this small but functional accessory.

Mini Cable Tote Bag Knit

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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6. Eco Market String Bag Knitting Pattern

Go green with the Eco Market String Bag Knitting Pattern. This environmentally friendly tote is perfect for trips to the farmers’ market or grocery store, combining style with sustainability in a practical and chic design.

Eco Market String Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Bernat Handicrafter Cotton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 9 (5.5 mm)

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7. Tri-Square Reversible Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Enjoy versatility with the Tri-Square Reversible Tote Bag Knitting Pattern. This reversible design features geometric patterns, providing two stylish looks in one functional and roomy tote.

Tri-Square Reversible Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Berroco Modern Cotton

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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8. Glenwood Easy Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

The Glenwood Easy Tote Bag Knitting Pattern is an ideal choice for a quick and satisfying project. Simple yet stylish, this tote is perfect for knitters of all skill levels, offering a practical accessory for everyday use.

Glenwood Easy Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 10 (6.0 mm)

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9. Fair Isle Tote Bag Pattern

Add a touch of tradition to your ensemble with the Fair Isle Tote Bag Pattern. This bag is a beautiful blend of heritage and functionality, featuring intricate colorwork inspired by the Scottish knitting technique.

Fair Isle Tote Bag Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 3 (3.25 mm)

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10. Waveryly Tote

The Waverly Tote combines elegance and simplicity in a versatile design. With a spacious interior and a chic exterior, this tote is perfect for carrying your essentials in style, whether heading to work or out for a casual day.

Waveryly Tote

Suggested Yarn: Cascade 220

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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11. Hybridea Bag

The Hybridea Bag is a fusion of modern style and practicality. This contemporary tote features a unique design that sets it apart, making it a statement piece for those who appreciate a touch of originality in their accessories.

Hybridea Bag

Suggested Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted

Difficulty Level: Advanced

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 9 (5.5 mm)

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12. Knitting Pattern Hipster Bag Tote Handbag

Embrace a trendsetting look with the Knitting Pattern Hipster Bag Tote Handbag. This pattern caters to the fashion-forward knitter, offering a stylish tote that combines functionality with a hip, urban flair.

Knitting Pattern Hipster Bag Tote Handbag

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand Heartland

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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13. Tote Striped Summer Bag

Welcome summer with the Tote Striped Summer Bag. Bold, cheerful stripes make this tote a standout accessory for warm-weather outings. Whether you’re headed to the beach or a picnic, this bag is a vibrant companion.

Tote Striped Summer Bag

Suggested Yarn: Paintbox Yarns Cotton Aran

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Aran

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

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14. Bagel Man Market Bag

The Bagel Man Market Bag is a spacious, durable tote for market adventures. With ample room for fresh produce and groceries, this bag is both practical and charming, making every shopping trip stylish.

Bagel Man Market Bag

Suggested Yarn: Bernat Maker Home Dec

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Bulky

Needle Size: US 10.5 (6.5 mm)

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15. Bento Bag

Inspired by Japanese aesthetics, the Bento Bag is a minimalist tote with a clean and modern design. This versatile bag is perfect for carrying your essentials with an understated elegance that complements any outfit.

Bento Bag

Suggested Yarn: Quince & Co. Sparrow

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Fingering

Needle Size: US 6 (4.0 mm)

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16. Mitred Square Bag Knitting Pattern

Create a visually striking accessory with the Mitred Square Bag Knitting Pattern. The unique construction of mitered squares gives this tote an artistic touch, making it a conversation piece wherever you go.

Mitred Square Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Berroco Vintage Chunky

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Bulky

Needle Size: US 10.5 (6.5 mm)

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17. Boulevard Bag Knitting Pattern

Take a stroll down the fashion boulevard with the Boulevard Bag Knitting Pattern. This chic and sophisticated tote is designed for the urban explorer, combining style and practicality in a sleek and contemporary design.

Boulevard Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Cascade 220

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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18. Tie Tote Knitting Pattern

Add a touch of femininity with the Tie Tote Knitting Pattern. This charming tote features a tie closure and a delicate pattern, making it a lovely accessory for a day out or an evening stroll..

Tie Tote Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

Go to Pattern

19. Beautiful Aran Knitted Bag Pattern

Showcase the beauty of Aran knitting with the Beautiful Aran Knitted Bag Pattern. The intricate cable patterns and textures make this tote a work of art, combining craftsmanship with functionality.

Beautiful Aran Knitted Bag Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Aran

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

Go to Pattern

20. Reversible Big Market Bag Pattern

Stay versatile with the Reversible Big Market Bag Pattern. This roomy tote features a reversible design, offering two looks in one. Perfect for carrying groceries, books, or essentials for errands.

Reversible Big Market Bag Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Sugar Bush Yarns Bold

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Bulky

Needle Size: US 11 (8.0 mm)

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21. Molfetta Bag

The Molfetta Bag is a stylish and contemporary tote with a unique design. With its modern aesthetic and practical features, this bag is perfect for those who appreciate a combination of fashion and functionality.

Molfetta Bag

Suggested Yarn: Drops Paris

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Aran

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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22. Stockinette Stripe Tote Knitting Pattern

Embrace simplicity with the Stockinette Stripe Tote Knitting Pattern. This minimalist design features clean lines and bold stripes, creating a modern and timeless tote.

Stockinette Stripe Tote Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Cascade Ultra Pima Cotton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

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23. Pattern Knit Horseshoe Cable Handbag

Elevate your accessory collection with the Pattern Knit Horseshoe Cable Handbag. The horseshoe cable pattern adds a touch of sophistication to this handbag, making it a stylish choice for any occasion.

Pattern Knit Horseshoe Cable Handbag

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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24. BYOB 2.0 Bring Your Own Bag

Be eco-conscious with the BYOB 2.0 Bring Your Own Bag pattern. This reusable and practical tote is designed for those who want to impact the environment while staying fashionable positively.

BYOB 2.0 Bring Your Own Bag

Suggested Yarn: Bernat Maker Home Dec

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Bulky

Needle Size: US 10 (6.0 mm)

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25. Striped Tote Bag Purse

Embrace a playful and trendy look with the Striped Tote Bag Purse. This stylish accessory features eye-catching stripes, adding a vibrant, modern touch to your ensemble. The perfect blend of fashion and function, this tote purse is ideal for on-the-go style.

Striped Tote Bag Purse

Suggested Yarn: Paintbox Yarns Cotton Aran

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Aran

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

Go to Pattern

26. Seed Stitch Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Add texture and charm to your accessories collection with the Seed Stitch Tote Bag Knitting Pattern. The timeless seed stitch creates a beautifully textured tote, making it a classic and versatile addition to your wardrobe. Perfect for those who appreciate the art of simple yet elegant knitting.

Seed Stitch Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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27. Falmer Book Bag – Knitting Pattern

Combine literature and knitting with the Falmer Book Bag knitting pattern. This practical tote is designed to carry your favorite reads, knitting projects, or everyday essentials. With a nod to bookish charm, it’s a delightful companion for trips to the library or cozy afternoons spent reading.

Falmer Book Bag - Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Aran

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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28. Squishy Bag

Indulge in comfort and style with the Squishy Bag. This soft and squishy tote is perfect for those who appreciate a plush and cozy accessory. Whether you’re carrying yarn, books, or everyday items, this bag provides a touch of luxury to your daily routine.

Squishy Bag

Suggested Yarn: Malabrigo Rasta

Difficulty Level: Advanced

Yarn Weight: Super Bulky

Needle Size: US 15 (10.0 mm)

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29. Dandelion Tote Bag

Channel the lightness of a dandelion with the Dandelion Tote Bag. This airy and delicate tote features a whimsical dandelion-inspired pattern, making it a charming and feminine accessory for spring and summer outings.

Dandelion Tote Bag

Suggested Yarn: Berroco Modern Cotton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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30. Ninas Mini bag

Nina’s Mini Bag is a chic and compact accessory that is small in size but big in style. This knitting pattern creates a trendy mini bag perfect for carrying just the essentials with flair. It is a fashionable choice for those who love minimalist accessories.

Ninas Mini bag

Suggested Yarn: Rowan Pure Wool Worsted

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

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31. Bubble Bae Bag Knitting Pattern

Make a bold statement with the Bubble Bae Bag Knitting Pattern. This playful tote features a bubbly texture that adds a touch of fun to your style. Knit up this lively bag for a fashion-forward accessory that stands out in any crowd.

Bubble Bae Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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32. Mohave Slouchy Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Embrace a relaxed and casual vibe with the Mohave Slouchy Tote Bag Knitting Pattern. The slouchy design adds an effortless and bohemian touch to your look, making it a perfect companion for laid-back days and weekend adventures.

Mohave Slouchy Tote Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Lion Brand Mandala Thick & Quick

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Super Bulky

Needle Size: US 15 (10.0 mm)

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33. Market Bag Knitting Pattern

The Market Bag Knitting Pattern is a must-have for a practical and eco-friendly option. This reusable tote is designed for trips to the farmers’ market or grocery store, offering a stylish and sustainable way to carry fresh produce and essentials.

Market Bag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream Cotton Yarn

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 8 (5.0 mm)

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34. Matching Tote Bag And Handbag Knitting Pattern

Create a stylish, coordinated set with the Matching Tote Bag and Handbag Knitting Pattern. This versatile pattern lets you knit a roomy tote and a chic handbag, ensuring you have the perfect accessories for any occasion.

Matching Tote Bag And Handbag Knitting Pattern

Suggested Yarn: Cascade 220

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Yarn Weight: Worsted

Needle Size: US 7 (4.5 mm)

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35. Brown Paper String Knitted

Discover the rustic charm of our Brown Paper String Knitted Tote Bag. Meticulously crafted with eco-friendly brown paper string, this tote combines durability with a touch of bohemian style. Its knitted design adds a unique texture, making it a versatile and sustainable accessory for your everyday adventures. Elevate your eco-conscious fashion statement.

Brown Paper String Knitted

Suggested Yarn: Bernat Maker Home Dec

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Yarn Weight: Bulky

Needle Size: US 10.5 (6.5 mm)

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Tips And Tricks To Avoid Mistakes

  • Choose the Right Yarn: Select a durable and suitable yarn for bags, like cotton or a cotton blend. Avoid very stretchy yarns, which might cause your bag to sag when filled.
  • Gauge Matters: Always knit a gauge swatch before starting. It helps ensure that your finished bag will be the size you expect, especially if you follow a specific pattern.
  • Consistent Tension: Keep your tension even throughout the project. Inconsistent tension can lead to a bag that’s uneven or misshapen.
  • Reinforce the Bottom: For extra durability, consider knitting the bottom of the bag in a double layer or using a tighter stitch pattern. This area often bears the most weight.
  • Sturdy Handles: Make sure the handles are strong and securely attached. You can knit them with a denser stitch, double them up, or use store-bought handles for extra strength.
  • Use Markers for Symmetry: If your bag has a pattern that needs to be symmetrical, use stitch markers to help keep track of where you are in the pattern.
  • Blocking is Key: Blocking your finished tote bag will give it a professional, polished look and can help even out any uneven stitches.
  • Weave in Ends Securely: Since tote bags can get a lot of wear and tear, make sure to weave in your ends securely to prevent them from unraveling.
  • Practice New Stitches First: If the pattern uses a stitch you’re unfamiliar with, practice it on a separate swatch first.
  • Keep It Clean: Since tote bags are often used and set down in various places, choose an easy yarn to clean or wash.
  • Take Breaks: If you find a section particularly challenging, take a break and return to it later with fresh eyes.
  • Read Through the Entire Pattern First: Understanding the overall construction and flow of the pattern can help you anticipate and avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Don’t Rush: Knitting takes time, especially a larger project like a tote bag. Rushing through can lead to mistakes.
  • Seek Help if Needed: Ask for help from more experienced knitters or look up tutorials online.
  • Enjoy the Process: Remember, knitting should be enjoyable. Take pride in each step, and don’t be too hard on yourself if everything isn’t perfect.

Suggestion To Add Personal Touch And Style

Contemporary tote bag knitting patterns offer numerous ways to customize your creations. This section explores unique features that make your tote bags stand out, such as tassels and embellishments, leather handles and straps, and creative bag sizes.

Tassels And Embellishments

Adding tassels and other embellishments can give your tote bags a whimsical touch. For example, you can create tassel attachments for a beach or cross-body bag.

Follow a video tutorial on how to make tassels using yarn and a tapestry needle. Different embellishments, such as felted flowers or jewel designs, can also elevate the look of your Japanese tote bag or Windy City Tote pattern.

Leather Handles And Straps

Incorporating leather handles or straps into your tote bag patterns can provide a more durable and stylish option. For instance, the Summer Fling Tote can be customized with leather handles instead of traditional knitted ones.

To attach leather handles, use a tapestry needle to sew them carefully into your tote’s fabric, ensuring a secure and aesthetically pleasing result. Additionally, leather straps can be added to cross-body tote patterns for extra comfort and support.

Creative Bag Sizes

While the dimensions of totes vary depending on patterns, feel free to experiment with size for a unique look. Playing with dimensions can result in extraordinary pieces, from a small felted hold-all tote to an oversized jeweled tote.

Try knitting patterns such as the Japanese tote for a square shape or the Windy City Tote for a rectangular design. Beach bags and summer totes also offer varying sizes, allowing you to create the perfect fit for any occasion.

Incorporating these unique features into your tote bag knitting projects will enhance the overall appeal of your creations. So, explore the endless possibilities of customizing your tote bags with tassels, embellishments, leather handles, and innovative bag sizes.

RELATED: 45 Mittens Knitting Patterns To Keep Your Hands Cozy And Warm

How To Block Knit Tote Bag?

Blocking is an essential finishing step in knitting, especially for items like tote bags, where shape and size are essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to blocking your knitted tote bag:

Prepare Your Materials

Soak The Tote Bag

  • Fill your basin or sink with lukewarm water. If desired, add a small amount of mild detergent or wool wash.
  • Submerge your tote bag gently in the water. Ensure it’s completely wet without agitating it too much to avoid felting if it’s wool.
  • Let it soak for about 15-20 minutes.

Remove Excess Water

  • Drain the basin or sink and gently press out the water from the tote bag. Avoid wringing or twisting, as this can distort the stitches.
  • Lay the bag on a clean, dry towel. Roll up the towel with the bag inside and press to remove more water.

Lay Out For Blocking

  • Lay the bag on blocking mats or another clean, dry towel.
  • Gently shape the bag to its desired dimensions. Use your hands to smooth out wrinkles and even out the stitches.

Pin If Necessary

  • Pin the bag into place if you’re using blocking mats and your project needs it. It is beneficial if your bag has lacework or a specific shape you want to maintain.
  • Make sure the pins are placed at even intervals to avoid distorting the fabric.

Let It Dry

  • Leave the tote bag to dry completely. It can take anywhere from several hours to a day, depending on the yarn and the thickness of the fabric.
  • Avoid moving it until it’s scorched to maintain its shape.

Remove Pins And Enjoy

  • Once dry, carefully remove any pins if used.
  • Your tote bag is now blocked and ready to use!
knitted bag

A Quick Recap

Knitting tote bags is a fantastic project for knitters of all levels. These patterns often involve basic stitches like knit and purl, making them accessible for beginners, yet also offer room for creativity and customization for more experienced knitters. Typically, durable yarns like cotton or wool blends are used, ensuring the bag can withstand daily use. The process includes:

  • Casting on a set number of stitches.
  • Knitting the body in the desired pattern.
  • Adding sturdy handles.
  • Finishing with techniques like blocking for a polished look.

Whether for personal use or a handmade gift, knitting a tote bag combines practicality with the joy of crafting.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Knit A Tote Bag?

The time it takes can vary widely depending on the complexity of the pattern and your knitting speed. Simple bags might take a few hours, while more intricate designs could take several days.

What Stitch Is Best For Knitting A Tote Bag?

Garter and stockinette stitch are popular choices due to their simplicity and texture. However, stitches like seed stitch or basketweave can add durability and visual interest.

Is It Necessary To Use A Gauge Swatch For A Tote Bag?

Yes, especially if size is essential. A gauge swatch helps ensure that your finished bag will be the dimensions specified in the pattern.

Can I Add Pockets To My Knitted Tote Bag?

Definitely! Pockets can be knitted separately and sewn on or integrated into the bag design by knitting them in as you go.

What Can I Do To Prevent My Tote Bag From Stretching Out Of Shape?

Using a non-stretchy yarn like cotton helps maintain shape. Knitting a tighter gauge and adding a fabric lining can also prevent stretching.



Amanda Brown
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