Two Great Ways To Wash Your Synthetic Wig With Fabric Softener

When washing a synthetic wig, you need to be careful that you don’t ruin the quality of your hairpiece.

Because of how sensitive and important the quality of your wig is, it’s important to take precautions to ensure your synthetic hair stays intact and ready for the next time you wear it. 

It always makes a huge difference in how long you wear your synthetic wig, how often you wear it, and how often you plan to clean it.

Using fabric softener is a great way to look after human hair wigs and ensure that they don’t lose their quality in the washing machine.

Before you know it, your synthetic hair will look like natural hair with a simple cleaning process. 

Follow our guide to find out why you should use fabric softener and two useful ways of washing your wig.

What Is Fabric Softener?

You may have seen fabric softener at your local supermarket or department store.

You might even have used fabric softeners yourself, but did you ever think about what was actually inside them? We’ll tell you.

Fabric softeners are a mix of chemicals that help keep clothes from getting stiff and rough when washed.

They also make clothes feel smooth and silky during drying, making them a perfect tool for anyone with sensitive skin.

Some people prefer to use fabric softeners while others prefer not to because they can sometimes affect the coloration of clothing.

However, some people do use them because they’re easier to work with than other types of detergents.

Some well-known brands include Woolite, Tide, Ariel, All Free, and Seventh Generation. These can be seen in lots of different places online and in retail stores across the globe.

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How Do I Use Fabric Softener?

When you buy a liquid softener, you get a bottle of a clear gel or liquid chemical.

The manufacturer recommends using this product by placing 3 to 5 drops onto each load of laundry. 

This means that you can add as much or as little as you want to your wash cycle.

If you’ve got an automatic washing machine, then you just put the amount needed into your machine, turn it on, and walk away.

The best thing about liquid fabric softener is that you can easily control the level of softness in your clothes.

If you want to make sure that your clothes stay extra soft throughout all four stages of the wash cycle, then you can always add more liquid fabric softener to your laundry.

But if you don’t want to risk adding too much, then it’s always best to add too little and work your way up. After all, you can’t take it out!

What Is A Synthetic Wig?

A synthetic wig is made from either man-made materials or natural hair. Man-made wigs are usually made from polyester fiber, acrylic fiber, nylon fiber, wool fiber, or silk fiber.

Natural wigs are made from real hair, which gives off the impression that the hair on top of that person’s head is real, despite being physically disconnected from their head.

Why Should I Use Fabric Softener While Washing My Synthetic Hair?

One of the reasons why you should use fabric softener while washing your synthetic hair is because it helps keep your wig looking beautiful.

Fabric Softener While Washing

After all, wearing wigs should be enjoyable and there’s nothing worse than having a cheap, old-looking wig sitting around in your closet.

Using fabric softener while washing your synthetic hair keeps your wig looking good for longer.

Another reason to use fabric softener when washing your synthetic hair is that it reduces static electricity build-up and improves the shine on your wig.

Static electricity builds up when wet hair gets tangled together, and it’s extremely difficult to untangle those tangles once they start forming.

So, if you want to avoid a tangled mess in your bathroom sink, then it’s better to use a fabric softener to attack the static cling before it has a chance to form.

How Often Should I Wash My Synthetic Wig?

You have several options to consider when deciding how often you should wash your synthetic wig. Your first option is based on what type of material your synthetic wig is made of.

For example, you could choose between polyester, acrylic, nylon, or human hair. Each style will last a specific length of time under certain conditions.

Polyester synthetic wigs should only need to be washed every 7-10 days. Acrylic wigs can go through multiple washes per week depending on how often you wear them.

Human hair wigs may need to be washed less frequently; however, it’s recommended that you change your human hair wig at least every 6 months.

Certain fabric softeners are almost like hair conditioners that will be specifically used for washing synthetic hair.

Because of this, it’s always best to try and aim for the brands that are aimed toward fighting frizz and static cling in synthetic hair wigs.

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Washing Method One

Step One – Spray Bottle

It’s always useful to see if your wig is tangled before this step. If it is, then brush your wig before starting the cleaning process.

Fill a 240mL cup with cold water and pour it into your spray bottle. Then add a 240mL cup of fabric softener into the bottle and make sure that the two mix together.

Step Two – Spray Your Wig

Because of the way fabric softener works, you need to make sure that you spray the whole wig and ensure that you don’t miss any large areas of hair.

Then, lift the top layer of hair and spray under the layer. This will make sure that the wig is covered all the way through. 

Step Three – Dab Your Wig

Always avoid rubbing or scrubbing your wig because it can damage the hair fibers and affect the quality of your hair.

Grab a cotton towel and dab your wig lightly to ensure that the water is absorbed seamlessly. 

Step Four – Leave The Wig To Dry

Leave the hair dry overnight because it will take a while for the water and fabric softener to dry completely.

Place the wig on a coat stand or a hook of some sort so that it can air dry naturally.

Step Five – Brush Lightly

Once your wig is dry, put it on and brush softly from the roots at the top of the wig, down to the ends.

Make sure that you don’t brush with a tugging or jerking motion, or you risk pulling the hair out from the wig.

Brush until your hair is looking just as you’d like it. You can also use a fine comb instead of a brush if you require a softer touch.

Washing Method Two

This step is slightly different with the tools and the liquids involved, compared to the first method.

The main difference is you only need 150mL of fabric softener, with 80mL of liquid dish detergent.

Step One – Make The Mixture

Grab a reasonably-sized bowl and place the fabric softener, the liquid soap, and the 240mL of cold water inside of it. Stir the mixture and make sure that it’s all mixed in thoroughly.

Step Two – Soak Your Wig

Much like with the first method, make sure that your wig is brushed before submerging it into your cleaning mixture.

If you’re happy with it, then place the hair into the mixing bowl and leave it to soak for around two hours or longer.

If your wig is particularly stiff, then leave it overnight or for a good few hours.

Step Three – Lightly Rinse Your Wig

Once you’re happy that your wig has soaked for long enough, rinse the hair with cold water until it runs clean. This makes sure that there is no mixture left in the hair and that it is clean.

Step Four – Dab The Wig

Similar to the first method, dab a cotton towel on your wig to try and capture as much moisture as possible from the hair.

Remember not to rub or scrub the hair or you risk damaging the quality of your hair.

Step Five – Leave To Dry

Finally, dry your wig on a coat rack or a hook so that it can dry naturally overnight. Once the wig is dry, brush the hair lightly so that it is straight once again.

What Brush Is Best For Synthetic Hair?

When washing synthetic hair, you want to choose a brush that doesn’t pull at the hair too hard.

It should be gentle enough to not tear the fibers apart. A wide comb or a pallet brush should do the trick.

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How Do I Care For My Synthetic Wigs?

Synthetic wigs are easy to wash, but they need extra care when it comes to drying. They can get very hot during the summertime, and they can easily become frizzy if not dried properly.

Make sure that you don’t wash them too frequently or too infrequently and you’ll be able to have a head of seemingly real hair!

It’s all about finding the right balance. Also, make sure not to brush too hard or you might pull the hair out!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, don’t neglect your synthetic wigs. Take the time to carefully clean them, and take good care of them.

You’ll find that the life of your synthetic wigs is long, and they look great!

Wearing a wig is the most common way to cover up baldness.

There are many different types of wigs available today ranging from cheap ones that come pre-styled straight out of the box to those that have been crafted from high-quality materials.

One of the reasons why people prefer wigs over other hair replacement methods such as hairpieces is their versatility.

Making sure that you don’t wash your wig too often and for too long ensures that you can wear your synthetic hair for longer periods of time and get the most out of them.

Be careful not to brush them too hard or scrub them, otherwise, you’ll have to buy another wig sooner than you might think!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your last-minute wig-washing questions answered below!

Why Do I Need To Wash My Wig?

Synthetic wigs are lifeless, tangled, and sprayed by over-spray. Washing them makes them more alive and means that you can use them for longer periods of time without having to replace them.

However, it’s important not to overwash them or you can damage the durability and the quality of the hair.

How Often Should I Wash My Wig?

You should wash your wig once every week or two. Washing your hair too often may cause damage to your hair and you should only wash it when you feel like it needs a bit of a boost.

Wash your synthetic hair more frequently in the hotter months of the year.

What Are Synthetic Wigs?

Synthetic wigs are cheaper than human hair wigs. But they’re not as easy to care for.

Synthetic hair wigs may be more expensive than human hair wigs if they are purchased from a reputable manufacturer.

Higher wig quality will often cost more money because of how long they can last and how realistic the hair looks.

Amanda Brown
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