An Expert Comparison To Know If Mohair Is More Expensive Than Cashmere

Key Takeaways

  • Luxury fabrics like mohair and cashmere offer exceptional softness, warmth, and comfort.
  • Cashmere is generally considered more expensive than mohair due to its scarcity and production process.
  • Differentiating between mohair and cashmere enables informed choices when seeking luxurious materials.

When it comes to luxury fabrics, few materials are as prized as mohair and cashmere. Known for their exceptional softness, warmth, and natural fibers, these materials have long been celebrated as the epitome of indulgence in the textile world.

While both mohair and cashmere are sourced from goat breeds, they differ in terms of their origin and properties.

Mohair is obtained from the Angora goat, with South Africa being the largest producer, whereas cashmere comes from the Kashmiri or cashmere goat. A common question that arises is whether mohair is more expensive than cashmere.

The answer is that cashmere is typically more expensive than mohair, mainly due to its rarity and labor-intensive production process.

Understanding the differences between these two fibers will help dispel misconceptions and allow you to make a more informed decision when selecting luxury fabrics for your wardrobe or home.

What Is Mohair?

Mohair is a luxurious and soft textile fiber obtained from the hair of the Angora goat. This unique fiber is known for its distinctive properties such as silkiness, luster, insulation, and durability.

Not to be confused with the Angora rabbit, the Angora goat produces the highly sought after mohair fibers.

What Makes Luxury Fabrics Stand Out?

The main source of mohair production lies in South Africa, which accounts for approximately half of the world’s supply. However, other prominent producers of mohair include the United States and Turkey.

The process of obtaining mohair involves shearing the hair from the Angora goat, which is usually done twice a year. After the shearing process, the next steps involve cleaning, sorting, and spinning the fibers to create a variety of textiles.

Textiles made from mohair showcase exceptional warmth and insulation properties, and are highly valued in the fashion industry. Due to its versatility and natural characteristics, mohair finds applications in a range of products such as clothing, upholstery, yarns, and accessories.

What Makes Luxury Fabrics Stand Out?

When it comes to luxury fabrics, there are certain qualities and characteristics that set them apart from others, making them highly desirable, opulent, and often more expensive. Understanding these factors will help you appreciate the true value of luxurious fabrics.

  • Unique Origin And Refined Production: Luxury fabrics often come from specific animal breeds or rare plant sources and are harvested in limited quantities. The production process is delicate and time-consuming, ensuring the highest quality is achieved. For example, cashmere originates from cashmere goats, while mohair comes from Turkish Angora goats.
  • Unmatched Softness And Comfort: High-quality luxury fabrics offer a level of softness that is unmatched in other materials. These fabrics are carefully processed to ensure they provide the utmost comfort, making you feel pampered as soon as you touch them.
  • Exceptional Insulation And Breathability: Luxury fabrics possess remarkable insulating properties, keeping you warm in colder weather. They also offer excellent breathability, making them suitable for various temperatures and enhancing your overall comfort.
  • Elegant Luster And Aesthetic Appeal: Luxurious fabrics typically have a distinct sheen or luster that adds to their opulence. The way light reflects off these materials creates an appealing appearance, making them an ideal choice for fashion and home décor items.
  • Durability And Longevity: Despite their delicate nature, luxury fabrics are incredibly durable and long-lasting when treated properly. Investing in high-quality materials ensures that your garments and textiles will maintain their appearance and integrity for years to come.

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Exploring Various Luxury Fibers

Luxury fibers are prized for their exceptional qualities, often offering a combination of softness, sheen, and durability. Let’s explore several luxury fibers that are highly sought after in the world of fashion and textiles:


Cashmere comes from the undercoat of the cashmere goat. This natural fiber is known for its high quality, softness, and durability. It is one of the most expensive and luxurious materials available, often used for high-end clothing like sweaters and scarves.


Mohair is a natural fiber obtained from the hair of the angora goat. Shearing usually occurs twice a year, resulting in a high-quality, durable, lightweight, and soft material. While it is less expensive than cashmere, mohair is still considered a luxurious fiber with various applications in the fashion industry.


Angora refers to the soft and fluffy fibers collected from angora rabbits. These fibers are known for their remarkable softness, warmth, and insulation properties. Although angora is not as expensive as cashmere, it is still a premium fiber often used in creating plush garments and accessories.

Merino Wool

Merino wool comes from the Merino sheep breed, known for producing high-quality natural fibers. Merino wool is soft, strong, and durable, making it a desirable option in the creation of garments like sweaters and knitwear. While it is not as expensive as cashmere or mohair, merino wool is still considered a high-quality fiber.


Alpaca fibers are harvested from alpacas and are known for their quality, softness, and durability. This natural fiber is warmer than traditional wool and has excellent insulation properties. While it is not as costly as cashmere, alpaca is still considered a luxury fiber, often utilized in high-end clothing and accessories.


Silk is a luxurious, strong, and smooth material produced by silkworms. Known for its superior quality and exquisite feel, silk is an excellent choice for luxurious garments and bedding. Although silk is not as expensive as cashmere or mohair, its high quality and beautiful texture still make it a premium option in the world of textiles.

What Are The Characteristics Of Luxury Fibers?

When it comes to luxury fibers, both mohair and cashmere are widely recognized for their unique characteristics and properties. It’s essential to understand what sets these two fibers apart to make an informed decision when investing in high-quality garments.

Mohair, derived from the Angora goat, is known for its incredible softness, strength, and luster. It’s a lightweight fiber with an airy texture, making it an excellent choice for warm garments without feeling heavy.

The fiber profile of mohair offers effective thermal insulation, ensuring you stay comfortable in both cold and hot temperatures. Additionally, mohair is hypoallergenic, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Cashmere, on the other hand, is obtained from the Kashmir goat and boasts an even finer and softer texture than mohair. Its fibers are light, yet they provide exceptional warmth, often making cashmere garments feel more luxurious.

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Cashmere fibers have a high level of fineness and finesse, resulting in garments that drape beautifully while maintaining their shape. Like mohair, cashmere is also hypoallergenic and well-suited for those with sensitive skin.

As far as the cost is concerned, cashmere tends to be more expensive than mohair due to the limited supply and high demand of the Kashmir goat’s fiber. While both mohair and cashmere are considered luxurious, the prices of these fibers are influenced by the rarity and quality of the raw materials involved.

Production And Industry Insights

In the fashion industry, both mohair and cashmere play an essential role when it comes to luxury fibers for various products, including combed garments, carpets, upholstery, throws, and pure blankets.

Understanding the production processes and the global market for these coveted fibers gives you a better insight into their prices and values.

Mohair is mainly produced by South Africa, which accounts for nearly half of the world’s supply. The mohair comes from the Angora goat, and the shearing process typically takes place during shearing seasons.

A key aspect of the mohair industry is its ability to create durable, high-quality products that are also luxurious and soft.

mohair and cashmere offer a range of uses

On the other hand, the cashmere industry is more globally widespread, with China being a significant player in its production.

The cashmere fiber comes from the Kashmiri goats, which are typically found in the high plateaus of Asia. Cashmere is well-known for its intense softness and warmth, making it a highly sought-after material for fashion and home products.

While both fibers are considered luxurious and valuable, cashmere tends to be more expensive due to a few factors that directly impact its production and market demand.

First, the harvesting procedure for cashmere is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, as the soft undercoat of Kashmiri goats needs to be hand-combed to maintain its unique characteristics. Thus, the process takes more time and effort compared to shearing Angora goats for mohair.

Another aspect is the limited availability of cashmere. Since the fiber is sourced from specific goat breeds – particularly those in the high plateaus of Asia – this adds a rare and exclusive status to cashmere products, making them more expensive and highly desired.

How To Explore The Uses Of Luxury Fibers?

Luxury fibers like mohair and cashmere offer a range of uses, adding unparalleled comfort and style to your wardrobe and home. In this section, we will discuss the various uses of these exquisite fibers across winter garments, accessories, and home decor items.

When winter arrives, people naturally gravitate towards cozy, warm clothing. Sweaters made from mohair and cashmere are not only warm, but also lightweight and comfortable.

You’ll find these fibers integrated in various garments such as coats, socks, and scarves, ensuring you stay warm in style during the colder months.

In addition to clothing, mohair and cashmere are commonly used for making elegant, soft accessories. Scarves and shawls made from these fibers are perfect for wearing on cool evenings, adding luxurious warmth and comfort to your outfit.

Furthermore, their natural breathability provides an added layer of insulation, keeping you cozy without overheating. Blankets and throws crafted from mohair and cashmere are popular for home decor as they exude opulence and sophistication.

Their soft, plush texture adds comfort and warmth to your living space, making them perfect for snuggling under on chilly nights. Additionally, lightweight mohair and cashmere blankets offer versatility for use in various seasons and settings.

Lastly, mohair and cashmere fibers extend their utility to the realm of floor coverings. Rugs made from these materials are incredibly comfortable, featuring a unique softness and plushness that is pleasant underfoot.

Though pricey, their exquisite appearance and feel make them truly valuable additions to your home.

How To Dissect The Mohair And Cashmere Difference?

In order to appreciate the differences between mohair and cashmere, you need to understand their origins and properties.

Mohair comes from the Turkish Angora goat, known for its silky, lustrous, and durable fibers. These goats typically produce a substantial amount of fleece per year, making mohair a relatively accessible material.

On the other hand, cashmere is derived from the Cashmere goat and is characterized by its softness, warmth, and rarity. Cashmere goats typically produce just 200-300g of fleece per year, making it a more exclusive and expensive material.

Harvesting procedure plays a significant role in the differences between mohair and cashmere. While mohair is shorn from Angora goats, cashmere is combed or collected from the undercoat of Cashmere goats, requiring a more time-consuming and labor-intensive process.

Examining the characteristics of the fibers also highlights the disparities between mohair and cashmere. Mohair fibers tend to be coarser and more resilient, making it an excellent choice for home textiles such as rugs and upholstery.

Contrarily, cashmere fibers are fine and delicate, perfect for creating luxurious garments and accessories.

When it comes to affordability, mohair usually costs less than cashmere. The scarcity of cashmere, combined with its labor-intensive production process, contributes to its higher price tag.

Understanding Fabric Blends

In the world of fashion, you’ll often come across fabric blends that combine multiple fibers to take advantage of the unique properties of each. Taking into consideration mohair and cashmere, we will explore how these luxurious fibers are blended to create versatile and comfortable garments.

Blends usually serve specific purposes, such as improving durability, enhancing comfort, and providing specific desired characteristics in fabrics like a lightweight feel or moisture-wicking properties.

When it comes to mohair and cashmere, blending them with other fibers can result in improved functionality while maintaining the softness and warmth they’re known for.

A common blend involves using a topcoat of one fiber, such as mohair, combined with an undercoat made of guard hair or cashmere. This can create a lightweight and insulating fabric that is perfect for outerwear or layering pieces.

The topcoat provides a durable and protective barrier, while the guard hair or cashmere layer offers insulation, softness, and warmth.

Mohair and cashmere may also be carded and blended with other fibers like fleece and wool to create yarns or fabrics with various characteristics. Carding is a process that combs and aligns the fibers, making them more manageable and creating a smoother fabric.

For example, a mohair fleece blend may result in a fabric with better stretch and insulation, while a cashmere blend with wool can provide added strength and moisture-wicking properties.

These blends balance the luxurious aspects of mohair and cashmere with the practicality and affordability of other fibers.

By understanding the role of fabric blends and the specific properties they bring to garments, you can make informed decisions when choosing clothing and accessories.

Keep in mind the desired traits and functions you want in your garments, such as insulating properties, stretch, and moisture-wicking capabilities.

Knowing your options will yield the best results when it comes to comfort and style with mohair, cashmere, and blended fabrics.

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What Are Common Applications For Mohair Versus Cashmere?

Mohair and cashmere are both luxurious fibers, but they have different applications due to their unique characteristics. Here, we will discuss the common uses for each of these fibers.

Mohair is known for its silky, soft texture and high luster, making it ideal for lightweight garments such as shawls and scarves. Its durability and natural elasticity also make it an excellent choice for knitting or crocheting projects, such as sweaters and blankets.

  • Upholstery: Mohair’s durability makes it suitable for use in furniture upholstery, curtains, and cushions, where it can handle wear and tear gracefully.
  • Home décor accessories: Its luster and sheen make it great for creating accent pieces like pillows or throws that can add an elegant touch to your interiors.
  • Apparel: Cardigans, pullovers, and other knitwear items made from mohair are often favored for their cozy warmth and easy-to-style draping.

Cashmere, on the other hand, is prized for its exceptional softness and warmth without bulk. Its insulating properties make it suitable for a wide range of clothing items that span across seasons.

  • Lightweight garments: Cashmere is perfect for creating thin yet warm layers like shawls, wraps, and lightweight sweaters, which can be worn during transitional seasons or chilly evenings.
  • Winter wear: Heavier cashmere garments such as coats, scarves, and hats offer excellent insulation, keeping you warm while maintaining a luxurious feel on your skin.
  • Accessories: High-end cashmere blankets, socks, and gloves are sought-after for their softness and comfort.
What Are Common Applications For Mohair Versus Cashmere?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Factors Influence The Cost Of Mohair And Cashmere?

The cost of mohair and cashmere is influenced by several factors, such as the rarity of the goats, their habitats, and the quantity of wool each goat produces.

Cashmere goats inhabit specific mountain areas in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Himalayas, Mongolia, and China, making their wool more expensive due to rarity and limited supply. On the other hand, mohair comes from Angora goats, with South Africa being the largest producer.

Why Is Cashmere Considered A Luxury Material?

Cashmere is considered a luxury material due to its softness, warmth, and limited availability. The wool comes from the Kashmiri/cashmere goat, producing a small amount of wool each year. This scarcity contributes to cashmere’s higher price compared to mohair, making cashmere a sought-after, luxurious material.

What Are The Differences In Warmth And Texture Between Mohair And Cashmere?

Mohair and cashmere both offer warmth, but they have distinct differences in texture. Mohair is known for its luster, smoothness, and durability, while cashmere is softer and finer, making it more comfortable to wear. Both materials provide insulation, but cashmere is often considered warmer due to its softness and finer fibers.

How Does Durability Compare Between Mohair And Cashmere?

When it comes to durability, mohair has an advantage over cashmere. Mohair is more resistant to wear and tear due to its strong fibers. However, cashmere offers better softness and comfort. Therefore, the choice between mohair and cashmere would largely depend on your preferences for comfort and durability.

How Do Ethical Concerns Impact The Price Of Mohair And Cashmere?

Ethical concerns can influence the price of both mohair and cashmere, as animal welfare and sustainable practices contribute to the production process.

Consumers are becoming more aware of these concerns and may choose to buy from businesses that adhere to high ethical standards and invest in sustainable farming practices. This could potentially lead to an increase in the price of mohair and cashmere products sourced from ethically responsible manufacturers.
Jenny Williams
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