Cookies Policy


We at Craft And Design ensure a smooth user experience on our platform. We follow various practices to do this, and cookies are one of those. By writing this cookie policy, we want to ensure that our users know our practices regarding these cookies, like what type of cookies we use, how we use these cookies, why we use these cookies, etc.

Here, we would like to clarify that we do not store our users’ sensitive data using cookies, such as payment details, credit card numbers, passwords, etc. These cookies do not store person-specified data; instead, we use user-specified data to enhance and improve the performance of our website.

What Are Cookies?

Some small electronic files will be stored in your browser when you visit or access our platform. These cookies help us to track down the activities of various users on our platform. These cookies help us understand the performance of various pages and how people interact with our website.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies on our website for several reasons. These cookies help us to personalize your experience by remembering preferences and login information. They assist us in determining the functionality of our platform by ensuring smooth usage of site features and verifying user accounts for security.

These cookies also help analyze user data, identifying popular pages and areas for improvement. Lastly, they contribute to an improved user experience, making navigation smoother. Overall, cookies are essential for tailoring and improving your browsing experience while safeguarding your data and site security.

Types of Cookies

Necessary/Essential Cookies

Type: Session Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: These critical session cookies are fundamental for utilizing website features and upholding account security. They ensure seamless functionality and protect user accounts, making your browsing experience safe and efficient.

Cookies Policy/Notice Acceptance Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: These persistent cookies serve the vital role of confirming the user’s consent to cookie usage. Users acknowledge and agree to our cookie policy by accepting these cookies, ensuring transparency and compliance.

Functionality Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: Functionality cookies are persistent and administered by us to enhance user convenience. They remember key user choices, such as login details and language preferences, streamlining the browsing experience.

Tracking And Performance Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Third-Parties

Purpose: These persistent cookies, managed by third parties, serve as analytical tools. They collect and analyze website usage data, offering insights into effectiveness without identifying users by name.

Targeting And Advertising Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Third-Parties

Purpose: Targeting and advertising cookies, under third-party administration, personalize the user experience using browsing data. They tailor advertisements to user interests, enhancing relevance.

Social Media Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Third-Parties

Purpose: These persistent cookies, managed by third-party social media tools, assess website performance. They help us understand how our website interacts with social media platforms. For detailed information, it is advisable to review the respective privacy policies of these tools.

Cookie Duration

There are two types of cookies depending on their duration in your browser. Here are the cookie types, along with the details of how long they remain in your system:

Session Cookies: These cookies do not have any specific time duration. Since they will stay in your browser as long as you use our platform, these cookies will also get deleted once you close the browser.

Persistent Cookies: These cookies remain in your browser for a longer duration. However, you don’t need to worry since they will not remain in your browser for years.
These cookies will get deleted after a certain period specified by the platform. They differ from the session cookies since they remain in your browser even after you close the window or go offline.

Data Protection And Privacy

Our user’s data and privacy is our priority at Craft And Design. If we collect your data using cookies, we ensure to use all security measures to keep your data safe and have been used with aligned purposes. We collect specific and general data using these cookies, such as name, email, contact details, etc.

We don’t and will never have sensitive data such as passwords, credit card info, personal secrets, etc. If you are still concerned about how to use this data, we strongly advise you to visit our privacy page for better understanding.

Updates To The Cookie Policy

We update our cookies policy occasionally to keep it aligned with the updated laws and technical advancement. Therefore, we consider it our responsibility to notify our users about these changes via email or a homepage notification, especially if our changes are prominent.

Hence, we advise our users to visit our cookies policy and give your consent for the same. However, if you need more time to get comfortable with the changes, we advise you not to use our platform. Otherwise, your continuous use of our website will result in your consent.

Contact Information

Our users are important to us; therefore, we ensure to be a reliable source for them. However, you can contact us through our Contact Us page if you still need any queries or clarification about our policies.